Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sri Lanka-UNHRC – are countries ready to face the Ugly Truth?

Given that UN-US-India & other nations including the Church are asking for Truth & Accountability, are they prepared to own up to some hard truths? The citizens of Sri Lanka all know these facts. No country that had anything to do with LTTE or helped LTTE can be allowed to determine Sri Lanka’s post-conflict development. These countries & other bodies helped terror not peace. They were indirectly responsible for enabling LTTE to prevail for 3 decades. UN did not prevent LTTE terror or prevent Tamil men, women & children become combatants for terror or stop countries & others supporting LTTE terror – therefore UN has no right to dictate to Sri Lanka after Sri Lanka took action against LTTE when UN’s & foreign govt ‘theories and talks and ceasefires failed to stop LTTE killing people. The truth is that the very countries that present solutions today were indirect participants of the terror pre-2009. All these should be named & shamed as they have no right to be dictating post-conflict agendas as they sided with the terrorists. If aiding & abetting is a criminal offence how can those that aided & abetted terror dictate Sri Lanka’s post-terrorism peace & development.

  • Which country took Tamil youth including Prabakaran & trained them in camps across India?
  • Which Indian state provided logistics support to Tamil militant groups?
  • Which Indian chief minister gave money to Prabakaran?
  • Which Indian state allowed LTTE to set up offices in its state?
  • What did India do when LTTE bomb, killed 30 Indians in India in the 1980s?
  • What did India do when LTTE assassinated its own Prime Minister on Indian soil?
  • Who trained, armed & financed LTTE initially & thereafter?
  • Why did India threaten Sri Lanka when it was about to capture Prabakaran in 1987? If this had happened how many lives would have been saved!
  • How many Christian/Catholic NGOs were located in North & East Sri Lanka when LTTE reigned? How many of them tried to stop LTTE kidnapping of children to turn into child soldiers?
  • How many Church fathers & sisters were linked to LTTE but the Church took no action against them?
  • How many Church fathers ran LTTE child soldier ‘orphanages’ inside thick jungles?
  • How many Church fathers transported ammunition for LTTE in their vehicles
  • How many NGOs helped LTTE with material support?
  • What are the foreign governments linked to LTTE fronts? Even after banning these fronts, what have the countries done to investigate their links to terrorism?

Any country that has been linked to LTTE or terrorism cannot be shoving resolutions down Sri Lanka & accusing Sri Lanka without being accountable first.

The UN was set up to prevent wars after 1945 – how many countries do not have some form of conflict nowadays?

How many of these countries have a conflict because a handful of countries sell arms & start conflicts to sell arms to both sides? Isn’t this the crux of the problem all over the world? Conflicts are a business. Ukraine situation proves this well.

The conflict resolutionists themselves are all funded by the very countries that orchestrate conflicts together with the NGOs that they fund via programs launched discretely. The colored revolutions showcase the manner foreign countries via their agencies (intel & civil society/NGOs work with local NGOs and other outlets to start trouble enabling the foreign countries to interfere.

These players are the global mischief makers & they are also the key players giving sensationalized presentations in the halls of the UN. All of them are not people’s representatives but representatives paid to work for an objective. Their livelihood is to help create trouble & for that they are paid. As such they have no right to claim to represent anyone or anything in Sri Lanka or in the UN/UNHRC. So long as their funding is from overseas their programs are in line with overseas objectives.

What is ironical & hypocritical is that the very countries raising flags on human rights are those that committed glaring and horrendous human rights violations throughout 500 years of colonial rule & continue to do so under neocolonial imperial warfare. The UN was created by them to be another victor’s tribunal – where they decide who is guilty and who is not.

Those that do not tow their line are often slapped with sanctions & economic arm-twisting showcasing their dishonesty and cussedness.

Countries fund terror for global dominance or geopolitical bullying. Such countries that side with terrorists & terrorism cannot be allowed to determine what happens during peace.

Every country, every INGO/NGO, every civil society organizations & even individuals that sided with terror against peace have no right to determine how peace is to be enjoyed.

Sri Lanka endured the advice of those that helped terror & terrorists. It was after enduring 3 decades of their advice that Sri Lanka took the bull by the horns & ended the terror. It was Sri Lanka who ended terror not the countries presenting resolutions or the UN/UNHRC allowing it. Sri Lanka was helped by countries like China, Pakistan, Russia.

No countries, no entities, no organizations or individuals that were linked to LTTE, aided & abetted LTTE & its terrorism has any right to make any demands from Sri Lanka or dictate how peace & development should be.

Shenali D Waduge

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