Tuesday, February 11, 2025

India’s Role in the US Proxy War on Myanmar (and on China)

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Just as India had in the past aided US foreign policy objectives against China through hosting violent militant groups targeting Tibet, India is once again hosting militants, this time targeting China’s BRI partner, Myanmar in Southeast Asia.

Reuters admits that armed militants and their weapons are staged inside India, crossing over the border to fight Myanmar’s troops and then seeking safety back in Indian territory.

Reuters also hints at the so-called “National Unity Government” likely being based in India – putting at risk youths it has told to “fight” Myanmar’s military while hiding in safety abroad.

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Reuters – In Myanmar’s Chin state, a grassroots rebellion grows (2021)


Al Jazeera – Myanmar’s stateless Chin endure refugee life in India (2017)

US Congress – The Worldwide Persecution of Christians (2014, page 94 of the PDF, 90 of the printed document – admission that CHRO is worked with closely by the US government)

US State Department, Office of the Historian – Review of Tibetan Operations (1964)

National Endowment for Democracy (NED) – Zin Mar Aung

NED – Ko Bo Kyi

NED – Burma (2020)

Harvard University’s Atlas of Economic Complexity – Myanmar Imports/Exports by Partner 2019

Source: asia-pacificresearch.com

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